Authors and Papers Registration
Registration Page
If your paper is accepted, it is necessary to register in order for the paper to be published
in the proceedings and presented in the conference. If you have more than one accepted paper, please
register each paper.
The following is a URL link to the IEEE's Formatting guidelines:
IEEE guidelines.
Registration Fees
- Early Bird Registration (by November 18, 2018):
- AUST$520 (USD400) per paper
- Registration Fee (after November 18, 2018):
- AUST$600 (USD460) - Regular registration fee (one paper)
- AUST$480 (USD360) - Registration for every additional paper
- AUST$520 (USD400) - Student registration fee (Full-time student status required)
- AUST$340 (USD260) - Attendees without Papers
- Extra Conference Proceedings:
- AUST$120 (USD100) for each extra proceeding
- Extra Pages:
- AUST$120 (USD100) for each extra page
- Extra Banquet Tickets:
- AUST$75 (USD60) for each extra ticket
- One Day Tour:
- Free Free for registered attendees
The Registration Fee for delegates attending the conference includes:
- One copy of the Conference Proceedings,
- Conference banquette on December 19, 2018 and lunches (Dec 18-20, 2018),
- Morning and afternoon coffee breaks,
- Attendance at all keynote addresses, special sessions and tracks offered by the conference,
- Only one paper of up to 10 pages is included in the regular registration fee. The additional page charge is USD100 per page.
- A copy of the student ID is required to register with the student rate.
Please note that for a paper to be published, the following requirements must be met:
Each paper must be registered and fully paid for
The final paper must be correctly formatted and submitted as per guidelines given by the IEEE guidelines Formatting templates can be downloaded from here:
- IEEE Formatting Instructions (ZIP)
- IEEE Formatting Instructions - LaTeX (ZIP)
Deadline for registration and full payment is November 30, 2018. Deadline for Camera Ready Paper submission is
November 30, 2018. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in your paper NOT being published
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Please note that in the event you choose to withdraw, a non-refundable handling charge of AUST$75 (USD60)
will be deducted prior to issuing the refund. Refunds will only be issued until the registration deadline of
November 30, 2018 and upon receiving a written request for refund.
Registration Page